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Fridge Trouble

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:44 am
by Johnsail
Hello All,
I'm wondering if someone might be able to shed some light on a problem we have with our refrigerator. We have the Dometic, front opening model RM2310? I think.

In preparation for spending the weekend on the boat, I went to the boat on Friday, and while there turned the fridge on. I confirmed that the propane light was on, and that I could hear the electric motor running before I left the boat. (it takes a while to cool-down, and we wanted it up to speed for our arrival on Saturday.)

When we arrived, the fridge was hot, propane was still on, and no sound of electric motor running. Since buying the boat, one of the exhaust fans on the back side hasn't worked, and now I see the other is not turning, but slightly twitching, like it wants to turn, but can't/wont.

My question is, could this alone be the cause of not having any cooling, or might there be another issue as well? I have zero experience with these refrigerators.

Re: Fridge Trouble

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:15 pm
by Iriemon
Question: Once you let the compressor cool down, and you turn it back on, does the compressor run for a period and then shut down? Or is it just not starting at all?

Either way, it probably is the fan. If you have fans for cooling the compressor coils and the area where the fridge compressor is located, that could definitely be, the problem. Refrigeration works by expanding gas to create cold (in the fridge at the evaperator) but then the gas is compressed (at the compressor, naturally) which creates heat. If the fan is not blowing cooling air over the coils to cool them down, (or the area where the compressor is located is not sufficiently ventilated) the compressor will overheat. I'm guessing that a sensor is detecting an overheating situation, or is detecting the fan is not working, and causing the shut down. If you fix the fan problems that will probably resolve the problem.

Re: Fridge Trouble

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:04 pm
by thinwater
There is no compressor; this is a propane fridge. It is based on an absorption cycle, not freon compression.


Yes, the lack of fan will stop cooling. It also helps to keep the port forward hatch cracked. You will need to replace the fans. I recall they are 12V computer fans; Microcenter should have them.

Re: Fridge Trouble

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:39 am
by Johnsail
Thanks Drew! I will pull them out this week.