electric motor update

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Ron Halbrook
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:37 pm

electric motor update

Post by Ron Halbrook »

Hi Ron,

I saw your post on the PDQ Owners Forum from about a year ago about
converting to electric. I have a 1999 PDQ32 LRC (hull number 039) and one
of my diesels is giving me a lot of trouble. I'm thinking about doing a
half-conversion (one diesel and one electric) or even a full conversion.

Would love to hear about your experience if you have time to chat?
mdbtucker@gmail.com or 647-883-5982
(text/iMessage/WhatsApp/Signal/old-timey-voice-calls 🙂 ).

Hope this reaches you, I know these forums are not very active.

The engine conversion is complete, apparently there are several gas to electric conversions on going, I think ours is the only one that the propulsion system is totally separate from the house electrical, motors are not connected directly to pv. we have two e175 batteries (no longer being made) in the compartment that held the fuel tank. We charge batteries with two epropulsion G1554-1200W battery chargers, currently two (2) REC 370 Watt solar panels are mounted on the hard top, we have not had any problem keeping the e175s charged, we currently have 800 amps of lipo storage on the house bank giving us a max 9600 watts available to the chargers.
Motor performance,
4418 Watts each/ 6.3 Knots
2321 Watts each/ 5.3 Knots
1981 Watts each/ 5.1 Knots
1719 Watts each / 4.7 Knots
1428 Watts each / 4.5 Knots
965 Watts each/ 4.1 Knots
509 Watts each / 3.6 Knots
a 9 ft solar arch is being added at the stern which will hold 3 solar panels, final configuration has not been decided yet

So far we are happy with motor conversion
Ron Halbrook
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:37 pm

Re: electric motor update

Post by Ron Halbrook »

each e175 provides 8960 Wh
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Re: electric motor update

Post by thinwater »

Cool. The range strike me as a problem.

Assuming you would not ever want to go below 80% SOC and full sun...

6.3 kt 16 miles
5.3 kt 26 miles

Any less than that you aren't really getting anywhere and are not bucking any wind or tide. This also assume full sun, which is not a sure bet. Also, the top end with ICE is probably 7.4 knots; not that this is used often, but sometimes and certainly in some strong tide areas.

The reality of cruising for me is the occasional 50 mile or greater day with no wind, and then anchored that night and no way to recharge (solar would recharge in two days).

Not sayin' this is not cool, but most PDQs have a 27-35 gallon tank and get ~ 125-200 miles range (more with some jerry cans). They just need to know there is a difference.
Writing full time since 2014.
"Rigging Modern Anchors,"Seaworthy Press, https://www.amazon.com/Rigging-Modern-A ... 1948494078
Book Store. http://sail-delmarva.blogspot.com/2017/ ... store.html
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