Shaft seals

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island time
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Shaft seals

Post by island time »

How often should shaft seals be replaced. Mine are 8 years old and seem to be in good shape. Just looking at preventative maintenance tips.
Vinnie L 2002 PDQ Powercat 34 Hull #18
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Re: Shaft seals

Post by duetto »


both tides and pss specify replacing at about 7 years. reality is that they last a lot longer IFF shaft runs true. as to maintenance, tides really has none with exception of maybe needing to move fore or aft on stern tube if there is any shaft pitting. pss has more adjustment options. the static ss ring can be adjusted to compress the bellows. pss requires clean running surfaces between ss disk and carbon disk.

on a related note. we had problems with leaky shaft seals with both pss and tides. we finally solved it by having an additional cutlass bearing put into the forward end of the stern tube. i highly recommend this upgrade if you don't have it.
john & diane cummings
duetto mv34 #23
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