Hello Adventurers...
Happy to see this (much anticipated) new thread on the Forum! A prime reason we signed on to this Great Adventure was the ability to share the burden of planning with other like-minded folks.
There’s no doubt that taking a North American boat to Europe and making everything work smoothly involves a good bit of knowledge and planning. Beyond the basic problem of getting the boat over there (which PDQ has hopefully worked out for us) there are a number of technical issues, such as: electrical connection to shore power, hose connections for water and a pasarelle (gangplank) connection to dock or shore. There are also navigation issues such as charts, communications, best cruising routes and local rules & regs – everything down to the proper use of courtesy flags.
I have no doubt that we will sort all this out – we’ll add our two cents as we can. From our past experience, we know that cruising in Europe can be a most enjoyable experience. Nancy and I can hardly wait to begin this grand adventure aboard Sno’ Dog.