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Usurper to Genuine

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:12 pm
by NautiBits
Howdy folks!

There I was, just minding my own business, when out of the briny blue came Providence! She dropped something in my lap that I could not ignore. This is not like how a foul sea-bird might ruin your freshly polished hard-top bimini. Oh no, quite the opposite actually. Believe it or not, a PDQ 36 Mk III miraculously appeared on the market, at a price-point that I could dance with, right here in bee-you-tee-ful and sunny Texas!! I bundled up the missus and Rusty the Sailor Dog into my diesel powered VW and blazed a trail through the hard-scrabble Texas hill country. Eight hours later, we finally arrived at the Corpus Christi Municipal Marina. It was worth the drive. While I stood outside Joe's Crab Shack, there she was, winking at me from across the harbor. She wasn't all dolled up. Her PO had a plan for that. I endeavor to complete that mission in good faith. I was first on the scene with my saddle-bags stuffed with my life's savings. Badda-boom, badda-bing, it is all over but the crying!!

So, hopefully, this contract will complete without too much anxiety.

Anywho, I will be searching your files and posts to help answer my questions. I've already posted a question in the 36 section about the riveted mast.

Thanks in advance,

Joe Mc

Re: Usurper to Genuine

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:42 pm
by amytom